Drug Rehab in Santa Clarita

Santa Clarita

If you’re looking for a drug rehab in Santa Clarita with flexible, innovative programs, Omnia Recovery can help.

finding help for addiction in Southern California

Drug Rehab
in Santa Clarita

Table of Contents

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is multifaceted and complex, involving psychological and biological factors. It’s a chronic disease, but one that’s treatable with help from the right program.

Omnia Recovery is a leading option if you’re seeking drug rehab in Santa Clarita. We offer varying levels of care and additional services to help you overcome addiction and reclaim your life and wellness. Our state-of-the-art behavioral health center in Thousand Oaks serves Santa Clarita and the surrounding areas with a client-first treatment approach.

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What to Know About Addiction

When someone uses drugs or alcohol, addiction can occur over time. The key defining factor of any addiction, regardless of the substance, is uncontrollable, compulsive use. There are many factors thought to play a role in the development of addiction, also known as substance use disorder. Examples of these underlying factors that often need to be addressed in an effective treatment program include:

  • Genetics: There’s evidence suggesting a genetic predisposition to addiction. This doesn’t mean you’re destined to develop a substance use disorder based on your family, but people with a family history of addiction may be more vulnerable.
  • Brain chemistry: Drugs and alcohol affect neurotransmitters like dopamine in the brain. When the reward system, in which dopamine plays a key role, is overstimulated, it can lead to substance cravings and dependency.
  • Mental health: People with underlying mental health disorders or a history of trauma may be more vulnerable to addiction. Substances can become a way to cope or self-medicate.
  • Personality traits: Certain traits, such as a lack of self-control and impulsivity, contribute to the development of addictive behaviors.
  • Environmental factors: A variety of environmental factors, from the childhood home where someone grows up to their social group, can contribute to substance use and, ultimately, addiction in some cases. High levels of stress or traumatic exposure can also increase the potential of turning to substances as a coping mechanism.
  • Developmental factors: The early use of substances raises the risk of later developing an addiction. Using addictive substances during adolescence and early adulthood can have lasting effects on impulse control and cognitive function.

Understanding the science of addiction is important when choosing a Santa Clarita drug rehab. Our IOP in Thousand Oaks understands how all of these complex factors relate to one another and create individualized treatment plans.

dual diagnosis

Addiction and Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders are known as dual diagnosis. These refer to the presence of a substance use disorder and at least one other mental disorder. There’s a complicated relationship between addiction and mental health, and each condition tends to influence and worsen the other.

For example, depression and addiction commonly co-occur. Someone with depression might turn to substances as a way to alleviate their symptoms and feel better. On the other hand, the use of substances can also trigger the development of depression or make existing symptoms worse.

An integrated treatment approach should address the mental health and substance use considerations. Comprehensive care that addresses both aspects will typically improve outcomes.

This is known as dual diagnosis treatment. Key components of our dual diagnosis treatment programs at Omnia Recovery include:

  • A comprehensive assessment to identify and diagnose the substance use disorder and any co-occurring psychiatric disorders.
  • Simultaneous treatment of both disorders within the same treatment plan. This integrated treatment approach helps ensure a seamless, unified approach.
  • Medication management may be part of your treatment plan. Medications can be prescribed for the management of the symptoms of a mental disorder and to support recovery from substance use.
  • Evidence-based psychotherapies like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy are frequently used. Therapy sessions, which may take place in both individual and group settings, focus on addressing both issues concurrently.
  • Group therapy can be an integral part of dual diagnosis treatment because it gives you a safe space to share experiences, build a sense of community and share experiences with other people who have dual diagnoses.
  • Holistic approaches and therapies, such as art therapy and mindfulness, can help address overall well-being when someone has a dual diagnosis.
  • Educational programs about the relationship between mental health and substance abuse and strategies for managing both can be part of treatment.
  • We help you transition out of treatment with aftercare planning to support you during the next phase of your journey. In fact, we consider our programs to offer lifetime aftercare. After you complete our program, you are part of our family for life.

As you compare your options for drug rehab in Santa Clarita, you’ll realize not every center is equipped to treat dual diagnoses. At Omnia Recovery, for anyone searching for addiction treatment in Santa Clarita or nearby, we have the expertise to provide both addiction and psychiatric treatment during your program to support your recovery in all ways.

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Treatment Programs at Omnia Recovery

As you compare addiction treatment in Santa Clarita and Southern California, you’ll find that every center is going to offer its own approach to care. We offer a continuum of care but on a flexible outpatient basis. Our programs include the following:

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Partial hospitalization at Omnia Recovery can help you find and maintain a sustainable recovery from addiction. Our PHP is somewhat of a middle ground between a full inpatient, residential program and an outpatient program. There are more weekly sessions than an intensive outpatient program, but you have the freedom to leave the treatment facility, coming only when you have a session to attend. You might begin with a PHP, or it could be the next step for you after completing residential rehab.

There are many advantages to a partial day program if you’re seeking drug rehab in Santa Clarita or nearby. One of the big reasons people opt for this program is that it’s convenient. It gives a high level of care and treatment, but you can remain with your friends and family and keep up with many of your home or work responsibilities that could otherwise prevent you from going to treatment at all.

During a PHP at our center, you still interact with your care team regularly and receive ongoing monitoring, and you can work one-on-one with your therapist and engage in group therapy. This type of program, although it shares a lot in common with residential rehab, is also a more affordable alternative.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our intensive outpatient programs don’t require that you live in a facility. Instead, you receive treatment on a flexible basis that meets your needs, helping you achieve your goals in a personalized way.

Intensive outpatient programs at our center in Thousand Oaks can be a good fit for someone who can manage with a less hands-on approach but still needs support.

Outpatient Program

Our outpatient programs allow for the utmost flexibility in terms of scheduling. There are weekly dates when you would attend group and individual therapy sessions during outpatient programs at Omnia Recovery. If needed, you could also schedule regular appointments with a psychiatrist.

If you’re not sure the program is right for you, you don’t know the next step to take, or you’re working to help a loved one find addiction treatment at a drug rehab in Santa Clarita, please contact our team. We can explain our levels of care, answer questions or even help you get started with treatment.

Unique Location

Our modern, newly renovated treatment facility is more than just a rehab. We offer a safe space where you can recover + have fun!

Modern Approaches + Therapies

Here at Omnia Recovery, we offer an innovative approach to treatment by combining traditional, evidence-based and holistic therapies.

Experiential Therapies & More

From art + music therapy to group outings and volunteering, Omnia Recovery wants you to learn that there is fun to be had in recovery.

how Omnia can help Beverly Hills residents

Our addiction treatment program at Omnia offers you a client-focused approach to recovery. We've created a safe & welcoming space that feels like home. If you are ready to find your own path to recovery, get in touch with our caring team right now.

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