Addiction Treatment in Ventura County

Substance Use

Discover how the addiction treatment programs in Ventura County at Omnia Recovery is redefining what addiction treatment means.

modern substance abuse treatment customized to your needs

Addiction Treatment in
Ventura County

Table of Contents

Unfortunately, addiction and substance use are common challenges to face, but finding the right treatment can be just as frustrating and daunting as overcoming addiction. For the best, personalized behavioral health center in Los Angeles in Omnia Recovery has got you covered; read on to learn more about the services available and how they can help you face addiction head-on.

Omnia Recovery is a dual diagnosis treatment center in Los Angeles. Contact us today to learn more about our available treatment programs for substance abuse, mental health, and dual diagnosis.

understanding addiction treatment

Options for Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles: Omnia Recovery

Omnia Recovery is a leading Ventura County addiction treatment center offering traditional outpatient, intensive outpatient program, and partial hospitalization program services to clients from all walks of life.

No matter what your concerns and needs may be, addiction treatment in Los Angeles has the tools and expertise to help you create a structured treatment plan that can empower you to take charge of your addiction. But choosing the best approach for you can be an important part of setting yourself up for long-term, sustainable progress. 

Traditional Outpatient Treatment

Traditional outpatient rehab services generally allow clients to travel freely to and from their home, returning to the treatment facility only to attend appointments, participate in therapy sessions, or check in with professionals.


Outpatient treatment often follows a period of inpatient treatment, but this isn’t necessarily always the case. On the whole, outpatient services may be most ideal for those who don’t need as much supervision or structure to achieve their goals.


Although it may be less intensive than inpatient treatment, outpatient rehab and addiction treatment can still incorporate many of the same techniques and activities. Things like group therapy, one-on-one counseling, and psychiatric care may all be part of outpatient services. The main benefit of this sort of treatment may be the freedom and flexibility it allows clients to hold.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Services

Similar to traditional outpatient treatment, IOP services generally allow clients to come and go from their treatment facility only as needed to attend appointments and therapy sessions. The difference between IOP services and other outpatient programs is the amount of time that clients are expected to commit to treatment: typically, clients spend time working on their goals for a few hours or days each week. 


The intensive outpatient program at Omnia Recovery offers some of the perks of inpatient treatment (such as more consistent monitoring or regular therapy sessions) without any of the limitations. Clients who pursue IOP services are free to invest in their other commitments while receiving the care they need.


Omnia Recovery is dedicated to being one of the most innovative, client-focused options for substance abuse treatment in Thousand Oaks. For those who don’t require consistent, on-the-clock monitoring to manage their addiction, the IOP services at Omnia Recovery may be the best way to get started on the path toward recovery.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Services

Just one step down from inpatient services are PHP services, which typically allow a patient to participate in structured, intensive treatment during the day and return home each night. The partial hospitalization programs at Omnia Recovery offer many of the perks of inpatient care without the mounting price tag and lack of flexibility. They may be best suited to those in a highly active state of addiction, need medical supervision to address their addiction, or may otherwise require a higher level of support to see success. 


As a top Thousand Oaks addiction treatment center, Omnia Recovery is dedicated to revolutionizing the way clients pursue and receive professional support. The experienced team of staff and medical professionals at Omnia Recovery can help you develop a personalized plan that incorporates your needs without overstepping your limits.

why Omnia is your best choice for substance abuse treatment in Thousand Oaks

Signs and Causes of Addiction

Addiction can happen to just about anyone, and it can incorporate both behavioral habits and substance use habits. There are many factors that might increase a person’s likelihood of developing an addiction, but the exact cause behind one tends to vary, even among those living with an addiction to the same substance or behavior. 

Common risk factors that might contribute to addiction can include:

When a person is exposed to a substance or behavior early in life, they may be more likely to begin using it regularly at a younger age. By triggering the brain’s reward system before it’s been fully developed, someone with early access to an addictive substance may create an increased mental dependency on a substance that’s harder to shake later on in life.

Sleeping poorly, eating a diet that’s not well-balanced, struggling to maintain a steady job, and other personal factors might increase a person’s chances of engaging in pleasure-seeking behaviors, including those that can cause addiction.

Particularly when it occurs at a young age, trauma can make a person more likely to engage in risky or self-medicating behaviors that might contribute to an addiction.

Some mental illnesses can limit a person’s impulse control, ability to anticipate consequences, or avoid pleasure-seeking habits as well as others might. The result is often a heightened risk for developing any kind of addiction.

Signs of addiction can look different depending on the behavior or substance driving the dependency, but in general, things to look out for might include:

  • Failing to limit or stop the behavior despite the negative consequences it causes
  • Feeling unable to control the behavior despite the willingness or desire to do so
  • Increasing frequency or intensity of the behavior over time
  • Lowered performance at work, school, or in other areas of life
  • Withdrawal from relationships and social events

No matter who you may be or what your addiction might entail, recovery can be possible. To find compassionate and comprehensive behavioral health in Los Angeles, turn to the team at Omnia Recovery.

we are here for you

How Addiction Treatment Can Help

Addictive behaviors can be incredibly hard to stop on their own, especially because addiction can hardwire the brain to crave and even depend on the very thing contributing to the pain it wants to avoid. Seeking the right addiction treatment plan can be a necessary part of finding and maintaining sobriety so that you can focus on the things you hope to achieve in life. 

Finding the best fit isn’t always easy, and many people find it challenging to reach out for the help they need. According to the 2021 Survey on Drug Use and Health released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), around 15.6% of people aged 12 or older fit criteria that would qualify them for substance use treatment within the past year. Unfortunately, only 1.5% of this group actually received treatment in 2021. 

The right treatment can help you stop using or participating in the source of your addiction, connect with others who have been through the same thing, and find resources to help keep you on track in the long run. 

Addiction rehab services might also help you identify what tends to drive your addictive behavior so that you can anticipate future obstacles before they even arise. Omnia Recovery understands these commitments and is dedicated to finding personalized ways to make them a reality, making it one of the best options for Los Angeles addiction treament.

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our innovative treatment program can help

Omnia Recovery: A Top Ventura County Addiction Treatment Center

When you seek outpatient rehab in Ventura County through Omnia Recovery, you’ll be able to connect with a team who understands your experiences and will work ruthlessly to help you overcome the obstacles you might face. If you’re ready to find long-lasting solutions that can help make addiction a thing of the past, contact us today for a consultation.

Unique Location

Our modern, newly renovated treatment facility is more than just a rehab. We offer a safe space where you can recover + have fun!

Modern Approaches + Therapies

Here at Omnia Recovery, we offer an innovative approach to treatment by combining traditional, evidence-based and holistic therapies.

Experiential Therapies & More

From art + music therapy to group outings and volunteering, Omnia Recovery wants you to learn that there is fun to be had in recovery.

What Our Clients Have To Say

the Omnia difference in intensive outpatient

The intensive outpatient program at Omnia Recovery in Thousand Oaks provides tailored treatment options that work for you. Our modern program & facility offer you refuge from the chaos of addiction and a network of constant support. Choose Omnia Recovery if you are ready to change your life for good.

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