Detox Support

Ambulatory Detox

Learn more about how our ambulatory detox services can support you through this stage of recovery.

support for your detox

Ambulatory Detox
at Omnia Recovery

Table of Contents

For many clients, detox services are an integral part of addiction recovery. Ambulatory detox refers to detox services that are held in an outpatient setting. For some people, outpatient or ambulatory detox services are an ideal alternative to inpatient medical detox. Omnia Recovery is an outpatient behavioral health clinic in California. We offer ambulatory detox and various levels of addiction, mental health, and dual diagnosis treatment. So, what should you know about ambulatory detox, and is it right for you?

First, let’s talk about what to expect in ambulatory detox at Omnia Recovery and the benefits of ambulatory detox services. Then, we’ll discuss what happens after ambulatory detox and how to plan for your next steps. 

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What to Expect in Ambulatory Detox at Omnia Recovery

Rather than staying at an inpatient detox center, ambulatory detox gives you the opportunity to move through detox in the comfort of your own home. In ambulatory detox, staff members will provide emotional support, prescribe medication treatments as needed for withdrawal symptoms, and check in with you regularly. 

Omnia Recovery accepts many forms of insurance, which can help you cover the cost of detox and other treatment services at our facility. We’re here to make care accessible and customize it to fit your personal needs. 

how we can help

Benefits of Ambulatory Detox

Ambulatory detox can be ideal for some people in addiction recovery. Specifically, those who do not require inpatient detox services. For example, those with mild-to-moderate alcohol withdrawal symptoms can usually attend outpatient detox safely. Getting detox services may reduce the risk of relapsing during the acute withdrawal stage, when withdrawal symptoms are at their most severe. Acute withdrawal usually lasts for about 1-2 weeks. 

Withdrawals can be uncomfortable, but ambulatory detox can reduce physical and emotional discomfort, helping you get through this difficult time successfully. If you are someone who needs inpatient detox services, we can help you find an inpatient detox center nearby. Ambulatory detox services are not ideal for those experiencing dangerous or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

next step in your recovery journey

What Happens After Ambulatory Detox?

Detox services are usually the first step in a person’s treatment journey. Since detox doesn’t address the underlying causes of addiction and is instead designed to help people stabilize and remain sober as they discontinue the use of substances, continued care is highly recommended. 

Most often, continued care after detox involves an intensive therapy program like our Partial Hospitalization Program. Depending on your care level and needs, you may attend about 9-20 groups per week and one or more individual therapy sessions per week, among other treatments. 

Our staff members can help you build a customized treatment path with your post-detox needs in mind. This can include helping you determine the right level of care. Levels of care refer to the intensity of different types of treatment programs. 

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our innovative programs can help

Partial Hospitalization & Intensive Outpatient Programs

Usually, staff members helping you determine your next steps post-detox will recommend either our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) or Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) as a mode of continued care. We’re here to help make treatment accessible. Omnia Recovery offers day and evening treatment schedules so that you can pick the right fit for your needs. 

The Partial Hospitalization Program at Omnia Recovery is highly intensive and can be an alternative to inpatient rehab for suitable clients (those able to remain sober at home or in sober living outside of treatment hours). PHP requires attending treatment most-to-all days of the week for groups and other services, with a time commitment similar to that of a full-time work or school schedule.

The Intensive Outpatient Program at Omnia Recovery requires a lower time commitment than PHP and meets less often throughout the week. With fewer required treatment hours and increased flexibility, IOP can be ideal for those who need to balance work or school with treatment. 

Meals are provided during treatment hours. Clients enjoy our on-site amenities, which include but aren’t limited to a fully stocked kitchen and coffee bar, community lounge, and a music room. 

Unique Location

Our modern, newly renovated treatment facility is more than just a rehab. We offer a safe space where you can recover + have fun!

Modern Approaches + Therapies

Here at Omnia Recovery, we offer an innovative approach to treatment by combining traditional, evidence-based and holistic therapies.

Experiential Therapies & More

From art + music therapy to group outings and volunteering, Omnia Recovery wants you to learn that there is fun to be had in recovery.

the Omnia difference

The programs at Omnia Recovery in Thousand Oaks provides tailored treatment options that work for you. Our modern program & facility offer you refuge from the chaos of addiction and a network of constant support. Choose Omnia Recovery if you are ready to change your life for good.

what we offer

Therapies and Treatments at Omnia Recovery

All clients in therapy at Omnia Recovery get a personalized treatment plan unique to their needs. For example, if you have a co-occurring condition and attend Omnia Recovery for dual diagnosis treatment, the activities in your treatment plan will reflect that. We use both evidence-based and supportive holistic treatments. Examples of treatments and services offered by Omnia Recovery include but aren’t limited to the following. 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • Outdoor Adventure Therapy
  • Weekly AA & NA Meetings 
  • Beach Group Therapy
  • Body Movement
  • Psychiatry 
  • Sound Bath

Family sessions are also offered as needed. Case management services are available to Omnia Recovery clients with pending legal issues. Clients go on regular outings, such as lunches, hiking, rock climbing, and bowling trips. 

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What Our Clients Have To Say

continued support

Aftercare and Relapse Prevention Services

No matter where your care starts and ends at our facility, we’re here to help you create a relapse prevention and aftercare plan. Whether you move through detox alone or participate in a recommended treatment program like PHP or IOP at Omnia Recovery, we’re here to help you plan for the next steps. 

Continued therapy, lower-level outpatient care, 12-step meetings, alumni support offerings, housing, and job or education planning are some of the things you might discuss while creating your aftercare plan. 

Like the treatment plan you follow while involved in treatment at our facility, aftercare will be unique to you. Alumni services can help former clients stay connected to their support system after treatment. Omnia Recovery’s alumni services include our regular alumni meetings, newsletter, and community outings.

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Call Omnia Recovery for Ambulatory Detox and Addiction Treatment

Omnia Recovery is a modern and innovative addiction, mental health, and dual diagnosis treatment center in Thousand Oaks, California. To learn more about how our ambulatory detox services and treatment programs can help you or someone you know, call our admissions line today.