June 18, 2024

What is the Relationship Between Quitting Smoking and Mental Health?

At Omnia Recovery, we understand that addressing behavioral health includes considering all aspects of a person’s lifestyle. One significant factor that often goes hand-in-hand with mental […]
June 10, 2024

Managing the Stigma Around Male Mental Health

Today, discussions about mental health are becoming more commonplace, but there still remains a significant stigma, especially when it comes to men seeking help. At Omnia […]
April 12, 2024

Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Building and maintaining healthy relationships is a fundamental part of life, especially during the recovery journey from addiction. One crucial aspect of nurturing these relationships is […]
March 4, 2024

How Drug and Alcohol Addiction Affects Relationships

Relationships are the cornerstone of our lives. They shape our experiences, provide support, and offer a sense of belonging. However, when addiction enters the picture, these […]
February 9, 2024

Understanding the Link Between ADHD and Substance Abuse

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood condition that can persist well into adulthood. Medication, including stimulants, is the most common form of treatment, […]
January 22, 2024

What is a Manic Episode?

Understanding the nuances of various conditions is crucial in the intricate landscape of mental health. One such aspect that plays a significant role in bipolar disorder […]
January 11, 2024

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction as well as symptoms that seem related to mental health disorders, it might be indicative […]
December 8, 2023

The Connection Between ADHD and Substance Abuse

For those experiencing ADHD, daily life is an adventure. The inability to focus and intense hyperactivity associated with this condition creates significant anxiety. To cope with […]